When I first started my photography career, I would photograph anything. Flowers, bugs, cars, family, high school seniors, bands, weddings… ANYTHING! Somewhere along the way, I was told to specialize. That I could never master everything and I’d have more success if I just chose one focus. Since weddings were the reason I became interested in photography in the first place, it was natural for it to become my specialty.
I’ve spent the last six years only photographing weddings. I knew I could have made extra money on the side doing all that other stuff, but my heart was in wedding photography. Fast forward to today and I have photographed 215 weddings and have many long lasting friendships from those weddings. I’ve seen couples go through children, losses, adventures and everything in between.
For a long time, I didn’t care if past clients went to another photographer. I was a wedding photographer and that was that, period. But this year I felt a shift in my opinion. Maybe it’s the fact that all of my friends are having babies, or that I’m becoming more sentimental with age, but I started feeling bothered that my past clients, my friends, had to go to someone else to capture the moments in their life after marriage.
It sounds selfish, I know. But the reason I love wedding photography is because of the relationships I forge and the beautiful memories I get to capture within those relationships. It’s silly of me to hand that relationship off to someone else when I cherish it so much!
You probably see where I’m going with this… Not only do I want to be your wedding photographer, but I also want to be your LIFE photographer. I want to be there for the moments you celebrate – maternity, newborns, anniversaries, family, and all of your adventures!
Since I’m still building up my portfolio in these areas, I don’t have any galleries on my website at this time! If you’re one of my past clients (or a new client!) and you’re interested in a LIFE session, please reach out to me for pricing and portfolio examples.
And for your viewing pleasure, photos from two maternity session I had the honor of photographing recently 🙂
With love,
May 7, 2019
©All photos copyright swing photo colorado 2023